Monday, June 21, 2010

I Promised - Sasuke Lemon Oneshot

Name: Hima Namikaze

This is You:

WARNING! Contains Adult Material. Rated M for sexual themes, enclosed there is a LEMON or HENTAI; however you prefer to refer it as! You have been warned, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto - Masashi Kishimoto does if I did I would not be wasting my time writing this. Also No animals were harmed in the making of the writing, and the author has/will NOT receive any monetary gain from this work. This is a work of fiction any resemblance to any person living or dead is by coincidence. No flames PLEASE, if so they will be laughed at and used to bake cookies!! :P (I like Cookies!)

Sobs rake your entire body, the guy that taught you everything, the man you’ve looked up to for years… Gone.

Kisame came and told you the news. At first you thought he was kidding, but soon Tobi or better said Madara came and confirmed what was told to you earlier. Denial. That’s all you can feel, the strongest man that you knew, the only person to ever care for you, gone; with some brat of a brother to take his place. Madara goes on to say that Sasuke was going to join the Akatsuki in his brother’s place.

You couldn’t help but laugh, “A sixteen year old brat is going to take the place of the best illusionist in the world.” With that, this guy, the one who killed Orochimaru, an old acquaintance of the Akatsuki, and your mentor. Tears welled up in the sight of him, emotionless, uncaring, his eyes were so different from that of Itachi; hollow almost.

In a moment your temper flared, “You bastard!” You screamed, “You goddamned bastard! You just killed one of the most honorable men in the world!”

His eyes went wide at your outburst, turning to Madara he asked, “Who is this?” he said, pointing to you, more tears; his mannerisms, his looks, he really was the younger brother that Itachi always talked about, the one he always said you’d get along so well with.

“Her name is Hima Namikaze, your brother’s protégé,” You can hear the smile in Madara’s voice. “Before he died, Itachi said that she had the skills to rival any Uchiha.”

A smirk, the oh-so-famed Uchiha smirk, the same one that made you melt when Itachi gave you… “Hima!” Madara snaps, you break out of your daze, “You are to heal Sasuke’s wounds, NOW.”

“Fine,” You growl between clenched teeth, “Come now, Uchiha-san” rolling your eyes at the –san part.

Silence echoes throughout the halls, all you can hear is the continuous pat of your feet and his. In the dark halls of the Eastern Akatsuki base you hear grunts and gasps for breath, smirking you ignore these and pick up the pace. ‘At least Itachi got him good before he died,’ you never realized how big the Akatsuki base was until now, with an injured Uchiha behind you. Not your Uchiha, some guy who thinks he’s as good as your Uchiha.

“Namikaze-san-” Sasuke gasps, grabbing your cloak, he begins to faint. Stopping him from falling you sigh.

‘He really over did it, didn’t he?’ You sigh. This was going to be a long healing process. Picking him up, you carry him to the infirmary. Taking out a kunai, you begin to cut his shirt off of him. Placing your hands in a bowl of water, you control it, and begin to wash the front of his torso with it. Now you can clearly see the damage Itachi-senpai inflicted on his brother, you couldn’t help but smile, so he didn’t give up without a fight.

Focusing you chakra, you begin to heal the major wounds, after about a half hour, you pull away; exhausted you sigh. The major wounds were healed, besides; you can’t do anymore even if you wanted to, your chakra is depleted.

Sinking into a bedside chair, you fall into a deep dreamless sleep. Hours later you head snaps up. “Namikaze-san,” you hear, slowly opening your eyes you do a double take, you swear you see Uchiha-senpai at the edge of the infirmary’s bed, “Protect him Hima, please. You know how much I loved him. Tell him the stories I told you, I promise, the both of you have more in common than you think.”

“Namikaze-san,” You turn your head to the injured boy on the bed, “what’s wrong?” For the first time since you met him, you actually see emotion in his eyes and handsome features caressing his body.

“Nothing, Uchiha-san,” You say wiping at your eyes; you realize that you’ve been crying.

“Please stop,” His features soften, “Madara said that Itachi was ordered to kill the Uchiha Clan, do you have any idea if this is true?”

You nod, “Let me explain,” sighing you begin your tale, “Itachi-senpai and I would talk about life in our past villages, Itachi told me that when the Uchiha clan was murdered it was a direct order from the ANBU black-ops, from the elders and Danzo,” your voice cracks, “He told me the only reason he left, the thing that mattered most to him was you.”

Looking up you see a dumbfounded look on the younger Uchiha’s face. Continuing you say, “Itachi-senpai left because he didn’t want to give the Uchiha Clan a bad name, you a bad name. He wanted redemption, Uchiha-san.

“Seeing you hate him was ‘worse than death, but it needed to be done’, he mumbled to me one day, and when you left for Orochimaru, it just about killed him. He was always worried, thinking that Orochimaru was going to use you the way he did so many others.

“I thought he was joking-” Your voice cracked again, “when just before he left, he told me his last wish was for you to return to Konoha and start a family.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened “Why?” His question was blunt, “How could he expect me to forgive the very people that ruined our lives?”

“Uchiha-san,” tears now fall freely, “Itachi said that Madara will just use you to get what he wants, and not care if you live or die, just like Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara, Sasori, and your brother.”

His eyes widen, and he screams, “Liar! Madara saved me!” You run to his bed and cover his mouth, a glare now covers his albeit beautiful features. “Why should I believe anything you say?”

You shrug, “I was Itachi’s confidant of sorts, he saw me not only as a friend, but as a,” pain echoes through your chest at the word, “sister.” Sasuke shakes his head; pulling himself as far as the bed would allow, away from you.

“No, no I’ll never believe that!” He growls, “there’s nothing you can do to make me either.”

The tears haven’t stopped, as you attempt to continue, “He said we’d get along, he said we were the same, but I see NOTHING that’s the same! All you are is a selfish little brat who is too conceited to accept his brother’s last wish.”

“Shut up.” He growls, “You don’t understand, I can’t go back, not alone.”

“Would you go back if I came with you?” The words slipped out before you could stop them.

A smirk appears on Sasuke’s face, and you melt, he’s so much like his brother it isn’t even funny, “Why on the face of the earth would you do that?”

Your words are solemn, and dripped with truth, “I promised.”

“I-I don’t understand,” He mumbles, “Did he really care this much?” you nod, the tears ceasing for a moment. “Why you, why not Kisame or Zetsu?”

You scoff, “You can’t revive the clan with another man, can you?”

His eyes widen, “W-wait, he wants me to-”

“Yes,” You bluntly comment, “Why do you think he trained me? Made me as strong as an Uchiha. I must be honest though, I’ve always loved your brother, more than he could have wanted me to, like I’ve said, he only loved me like a sister. He spoke so often of the girl he once loved, a girl even you called nee-chan.”

His eyes widen, “Ally, he really did trust you Hima-chan.” You nod, not finding a word to speak at a time like this. “Well then,” he sighs, “if Itachi believed that you’re the girl for me then,”

Before you could question his words, his lips crashed onto yours. Shock was replaced with pleasure as you feel fireworks, and quickly entwine your fingers into his hair.

You hear a low carnal growl reverberate from his chest as he hauls you onto the bed, having no choice you straddle his hips. “What the-” You gasp as his hands slip under your shirt and he unclasps your bra, “hell are you doing?!”

He smiles as he pulls your shirt off, “If Itachi thinks that you’re the girl for me, you’ll have to prove it.” He simply stated, then bites down on your neck, causing a groan to pass your lips, feeling something wet slide down your neck, you realize he bit you hard enough to draw blood.

Him, already being shirtless helps your cause as your hands slowly traveled down to his pants and that big purple rope that is tied around his waist. Reaching around him, you manage to untie the rope, pulling it of his body; you also lose your unclasped bra. Both topless you now collide your mouth with his, as his hands trace your curves, and make their way to your shorts he manages to unbutton them as he wins the fight for dominance, and begins to explore your mouth. Sliding your shorts down, he caresses your inner thighs, making you shudder. Kicking off the shorts, you attempt to take off his.

Succeeding, you pull your mouth away from his, and begin to trail your lips, leaving butterfly kisses as you go down to his waistline, but before you can do anything else, you are flipped over by Sasuke. Roughly massaging your breasts, he begins kissing your neck searching for your weak spot, realizing he wants to make you moan, you bite your lip. Although, before you can stop it, you let out a loud moan as he bites a tender spot on your neck.

Breath caught in your throat you moan, “Sasuke stop – we, we can’t do this here”

Not sure if he doesn’t care or isn’t listening, he continues his ministrations. Soon your mind fogs over, and you forget your reason behind wanting him to stop, and beg him to continue. Slowly he removes his boxers, followed by your panties. Positioning himself at your entrance he mumbles, “Sorry, this is going to hurt,” sighing he continues, “you need to relax or it’s going to hurt even more.”

Nodding, you try to take the strain out of your muscles, and succeed, for the most part. Seeing you relax; he begins to slip himself inside of you. Covering your mouth with his, he continues his painfully slow journey into your most private self, your nails start clawing at his back at the pain.

All the way in, he kisses you passionately, making you moan, pulling his mouth away he asks “Hima, can I move please?” Biting your lip, you nod, and his lips caress your collarbone, making light moans leave your lips as he continues to pull out, stopping; he quickly slams back in. It still hurts, but not nearly as bad as the first time he pushed in. “Oh God Hima, you-” but before he could continue you slam your lips on his, as a way of telling him to continue.

Now he creates a constant rhythm, of in and out, both of your breathing quickens, and you can tell that your orgasms are near. You can feel his member enlarge and moan in your own orgasm. Sasuke groans as well and spills his seed into you.

Now, in a post orgasmic stupor, Sasuke pulls out of you, causing you to whimper. Laying beside you, he kisses your cheek. Both drifting off to sleep, he pulls you close and never lets go.

‘Itachi-senpai, I will protect your brother and help him revive the clan, I Promise.’